The Brave Series is designed to empower youth in life, leadership, and purpose.

Every day, teens scroll through various social media platforms and face challenging situations and relationships. It's easy for teens to become overwhelmed by messages that undermine their sense of value and confidence, making them vulnerable to harmful influences . 

The Brave Series is a powerful preventative solution. There is no other curriculum that empowers young people with life and leadership skills while equipping them with the wisdom to resist exploitation and human trafficking.

The Brave Series is a 4-volume interactive experience, leading readers on an engaging journey of self-exploration, discovery and truth that unleashes potential and worth.

For Teen Boys Launching Fall 2024

For Teen Girls Available Now!

The Brave Series Curriculum

  • grow in confidence, courage, and resiliency.

  • discover their purpose, immense value, and potential.

  • embark on a journey towards emotional and relational health and dreaming big.

  • stand strong against dangerous exploitation, manipulation, and hard challenges.

Most parents are unaware. They think sex trafficking won't happen to their daughters. But this is happening... even in your community...by friends, schoolmates, predators or strangers in person or online. YOU’RE JUST NOT SEEING IT.

 Empower teens with the courage to make decisions, guided by a profound sense of purpose.  

- Establish identity and self-worth.

- Build resiliency and confidence.

- Equip them with the skill set to live a meaningful life.